What is the Shape of the Universe?

What is the Shape of the Universe?:   Tilt your head a little and look up at the sky. Navigating towards that blue horizon, passing the clouds and conditioning our breathing to be able to cross the atmosphere, a universe unfolds before us. Stars, planets, cosmic dust, galaxies, etc., set the rhythm for the movement of space.

Although much remains to be explored and space has provided us with only a few clues regarding its structure, experts recently found what could be a sign of the shape of the cosmos. According to a study by the University of Kansas, the geometric patterns of galaxies show that the cosmos could have a defined shape.

If this discovery is confirmed, it could be said that experts found the anisotropy of the universe. This means that the properties of space are different in different parts of it.

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This new theory shakes up everything we knew about the universe. According to the aforementioned study, the data collected contradicts the idea that the cosmos expands without any specific direction and galaxies navigate within it without order.

This, because anisotropy proposes the existence of patterns that distribute galaxies throughout space. Furthermore, it shows how galaxies, separated by space and time, are related through the directions in which they rotate.

Thus, the universe grows from the hand of a particular structure. This was verified by observing galaxies in modern telescopes, where it is possible to observe asymmetry in the organization of its elements from two different points in the universe.

Also, the experts found that the asymmetry between the directions of rotation of the galaxies increases when they are farther from Earth. This could indicate that at the beginning of the universe, it was more consistent and less chaotic.

As if that were not enough, it was also discovered that the cosmos exhibits asymmetry in different parts. That is, asymmetry is part of the overall consistent pattern of space. Actually, this is a complex multi-axis alignment and it shows that although the universe looks messy, it has complete consistency.